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"Building Dreams: Our Journey in Nepal"

“Building Dreams: Our Journey in Nepal”

"Building Dreams: Our Journey in Nepal"

In the heart of the majestic Himalayas lies a land of resilience, warmth, and breath-taking beauty – Nepal. 

Nepal holds a special place in our hearts. Our recent visit marked our fifth in five years, driven by a commitment to support The Pahar Trust Nepal (PTN) in building schools. We visited Amarjyoti, Deurali, Arthur, and Jaya Devi schools, witnessing the impact first-hand.

In Arthur the children were on holiday as exams had just finished, this gave us an opportunity to meet the headmaster, teachers, and some parents to hear how the school is developing since the new building was completed. The highlight of this visit for us was being taken by the young parents to see their sewing room, set up in the hall of the old school building. These parents are working towards a government sewing qualification enabling them to earn money by making school uniforms. We heard all about it over a cup of tea and even came away with some of their course work as a token of love. A great example of the wider impact of the PTN providing school buildings.

Our visit to Jaya Devi was to conduct a foundation stone laying ceremony. In Nepal it’s common to burn juniper branches or leaves as part of the ritual. Juniper is believed to purify the space and ward off evil spirits, ensuring the success and longevity of the structure being built. This was admirably conducted by Dr Tim Mitchell, Chairman of the PTN. It was fascinating to witness the traditional ceremony and to hear how the ritual changes slightly from region to region.

It was our turn to step up in Deurali where we laid some of the bricks in the new school building. Neither of us our known for our building skills so we hope that the ceremonial laying was up to scratch! (Perhaps the children should avoid 4 bricks in the back righthand corner!!) All the children attended the ceremony enjoying the older students traditional dance displays just as much as we did. 

Amarjyoti is the school that we have been supporting for the longest, having witnessed the school before it was replaced by PTN through to today where the children our thriving due not only to the support provided but in large part to the headmaster, Bimal Bahadur Baral, and his staff who bring an element of fun alongside learning.

The children’s enthusiasm for education and zest for life is inspiring. 

These schools represent hope, empowering generations to improve their future with the opportunities education brings.

Beyond our PTN efforts, Nepal’s simplicity captivates us. The warmth of the locals, the laughter of children, and the beauty of the mountains remind us of life’s true joys.

Pokhara offers both shopping opportunities and relaxation. It’s shops brim with handcrafted treasures, and its cafes offer respite after days in the mountains.

As we bid farewell to Nepal once again, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the experiences shared, the lives touched, and the memories etched forever in our minds. Our journey may have begun with a desire to explore, but it has evolved into a mission of giving back, one school at a time.

In the end, Nepal has given us far more than we could ever give in return – a lesson in humility, the power of community, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. And for that, we will forever be indebted to the land of the Himalayas and its resilient people.